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Edgy has extension support build on the Monkay extensions system. Adding extensions is possible in settings via the attribute/parameter extensions.

They must implement the monkay extension protocol or return as a callable a class implementing the extension protocol. This sounds hard but it isn't:

from typing import Any
from edgy import EdgySettings

class Extension(ExtensionProtocol[edgy.Instance, edgy.Registry]):
    name: str = "hello"

    def apply(self, monkay_instance: Monkay[edgy.Instance, edgy.Registry]) -> None:
        """Do something here"""

class ExtensionLessTyped(ExtensionProtocol):
    name: str = "hello"

    def apply(self, monkay_instance: Monkay) -> None:
        """Do something here"""

class ExtensionSettings(EdgySettings):
    extensions: list[Any] = [Extension(), ExtensionLessTyped()]

You can also lazily provide them via add_extension (should happen before the instance is set)

from dataclasses import dataclass

import edgy

class Extension(ExtensionProtocol[edgy.Instance, edgy.Registry]):
    name: str = "hard-typed"

    def apply(self, monkay_instance: Monkay[edgy.Instance, edgy.Registry]) -> None:
        """Do something here"""

class ExtensionLessTyped(ExtensionProtocol):
    name: str = "less-typed"

    def apply(self, monkay_instance: Monkay) -> None:
        """Do something here"""

