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Imagine you need to serialize you data and adding some extra flavours on top of it. Now, imagine that Edgy models contain information that could be used but its not accessible directly upon the moment of serialization.

Here is where the marshalls come into play.

The marshalls will simply help you adding those extra validations on the top of your existing model and add those same extras in the serialization process or even restrict the fields being serialized, for instance, you might not want to show all the fields.

A marshall is not designed to interact 100% with the database operations since that is done by the Edgy model but it provides an interface that can also do that in case you want, the save method.


This is the main class that must be subclassed when creating a Marshall. There is where you declare all the extra fields and/or fields you want to serialize.

from import Marshall

When declaring the Marshall you must declare a ConfigMarshall and then all the extras you might want to add.

In a nutshell, this is how you can use a Marshall.

from typing import Any, Dict

from pydantic import BaseModel
from tests.settings import DATABASE_URL

import edgy
from import Marshall, fields
from import ConfigMarshall
from edgy.testclient import DatabaseTestClient as Database

database = Database(url=DATABASE_URL)
registry = edgy.Registry(database=database)

class User(edgy.Model):
    name: str = edgy.CharField(max_length=100, null=False)
    email: str = edgy.EmailField(max_length=100, null=False)
    language: str = edgy.CharField(max_length=200, null=True)
    description: str = edgy.TextField(max_length=5000, null=True)

    class Meta:
        registry = registry

    def display_name(self) -> str:
        return f"Diplay name: {}"

class UserExtra(BaseModel):
    address: str
    post_code: str

class UserMarshall(Marshall):
    marshall_config: ConfigMarshall = ConfigMarshall(model=User, fields=["name", "email"])
    details: fields.MarshallMethodField = fields.MarshallMethodField(field_type=str)
    extra: fields.MarshallMethodField = fields.MarshallMethodField(field_type=Dict[str, Any])

    def get_details(self, instance) -> str:
        return instance.display_name

    def get_extra(self, instance: edgy.Model) -> Dict[str, Any]:
        extra = UserExtra(address="123 street", post_code="90210")
        return extra.model_dump()

Ok, there is a lot to unwrap here but let us go step by step.

The Marshall has a marshall_config that must be declared specifying the model and fields.

The fields is a list of the available fields of the model and it serves to specifically specify which ones should the marshall serialize directly from the model.

Then, the extra and details are marshall fields, that means, the fields that are not model fields directly but must be serialized with the extra bit of information. You can check more details about the Fields later on.

When the marshall is fully declared, you can simply do this:

data = {"name": "Edgy", "email": ""}
marshall = UserMarshall(**data)

And the result will be:

    "name": "Edgy",
    "email": "",
    "details": "Diplay name: Edgy",
    "extra": {"address": "123 street", "post_code": "90210"},

As you can see, the Marshall is also a Pydantic model so you can take the full potential of it.

There are more operations and things you can do with marshalls regarding the fields that you can read in the next sections.


To operate with the marshalls you will need to declare the marshall_config which is simply a typed dictionary containing the following keys:

  • model - The Edgy model associated with the Marshall or a string dotted.path pointing to the model.
  • fields - A list of strings of the fields you want to include by default in the serialization of the marshall.
  • exclude - A list of strings containing the name of the fields you don't want to have serialized.


There is a caveat though, you can only declare fields or exclude but not both and the model is mandatory or else an exception is raised.

from tests.settings import DATABASE_URL

import edgy
from import Marshall
from import ConfigMarshall
from edgy.testclient import DatabaseTestClient as Database

database = Database(url=DATABASE_URL)
registry = edgy.Registry(database=database)

class User(edgy.Model):
    name: str = edgy.CharField(max_length=100, null=False)
    email: str = edgy.EmailField(max_length=100, null=False)
    language: str = edgy.CharField(max_length=200, null=True)
    description: str = edgy.TextField(max_length=5000, null=True)

    class Meta:
        registry = registry

class UserMarshall(Marshall):
    marshall_config: ConfigMarshall = ConfigMarshall(
        fields=["name", "email"],
from tests.settings import DATABASE_URL

import edgy
from import Marshall
from import ConfigMarshall
from edgy.testclient import DatabaseTestClient as Database

database = Database(url=DATABASE_URL)
registry = edgy.Registry(database=database)

class User(edgy.Model):
    name: str = edgy.CharField(max_length=100, null=False)
    email: str = edgy.EmailField(max_length=100, null=False)
    language: str = edgy.CharField(max_length=200, null=True)
    description: str = edgy.TextField(max_length=5000, null=True)

    class Meta:
        registry = registry

class UserMarshall(Marshall):
    marshall_config: ConfigMarshall = ConfigMarshall(

The fields also allow the use of __all__. This means that you want all the fields declared in your Edgy model.


class CustomMarshall(Marshall):
    marshall_config: ConfigMarshall = ConfigMarshall(model=User, fields=['__all__'])


Here is where the things get interesting. When declaring a Marshall and want to add extra fields to the serialization, you can do it by declaring two types of fields.

  • MarshallField - Used the point to a model field, a python property that is also declared inside the Edgy model or a function.
  • MarshallMethodField - Used to point to a function that is declared inside the marshall and not inside the model.

To use the fields, you can simply import it.

from import fields

All the fields have the mandatory attribute field_type. This is used to declare which type of field should be used for automatic validation of Pydantic.


class CustomMarshall(Marshall):
    marshall_config: ConfigMarshall = ConfigMarshall(model="myapp.models.MyModel", fields=['__all__'])
    details: fields.MarshallMethodField = fields.MarshallMethodField(field_type=Dict[str, Any])
    age: fields.MarshallField = fields.MarshallField(int, source="age")


This is the most common field you can declare in your marshall.


  • field_type - The Python type that is used by Pydantic to validate the data.
  • source - The source of the field to be gathered from the model. It can be directly the model field, a property or a function.

All of the values passed in the source must come from the Edgy Model.


from tests.settings import DATABASE_URL

import edgy
from import Marshall, fields
from import ConfigMarshall
from edgy.testclient import DatabaseTestClient as Database

database = Database(url=DATABASE_URL)
registry = edgy.Registry(database=database)

class User(edgy.Model):
    name: str = edgy.CharField(max_length=100, null=False)
    email: str = edgy.EmailField(max_length=100, null=False)
    language: str = edgy.CharField(max_length=200, null=True)
    description: str = edgy.TextField(max_length=5000, null=True)

    class Meta:
        registry = registry

    def age(self) -> int:
        return 1

    def details(self) -> str: ...

class UserMarshall(Marshall):
    marshall_config: ConfigMarshall = ConfigMarshall(
    name: fields.MarshallField = fields.MarshallField(
    age: fields.MarshallField = fields.MarshallField(
    details: fields.MarshallField = fields.MarshallField(


This function is used to get extra information that is provided by the Marshall itself.

When declaring a MarshallMethodField you must have the function get_ with the corresponding name of the field used by the MarshallMethodField.

When declaring the function, Edgy will automatically inject an object (instance) of the Edgy model declared in the marshall_config. This instance is not persisted in the database unless you specifically save it, which means, the primary_key will not be available until then but the remaining object, functions, attributes and operations, are.


  • field_type - The Python type that is used by Pydantic to validate the data.


from typing import Any, Dict

from pydantic import BaseModel
from tests.settings import DATABASE_URL

import edgy
from import Marshall, fields
from import ConfigMarshall
from edgy.testclient import DatabaseTestClient as Database

database = Database(url=DATABASE_URL)
registry = edgy.Registry(database=database)

class User(edgy.Model):
    name: str = edgy.CharField(max_length=100, null=False)
    email: str = edgy.EmailField(max_length=100, null=False)
    language: str = edgy.CharField(max_length=200, null=True)
    description: str = edgy.TextField(max_length=5000, null=True)

    class Meta:
        registry = registry

    def display_name(self) -> str:
        return f"Diplay name: {}"

class UserExtra(BaseModel):
    address: str
    post_code: str

class UserMarshall(Marshall):
    marshall_config: ConfigMarshall = ConfigMarshall(
    display_name: fields.MarshallMethodField = fields.MarshallMethodField(field_type=str)
    data: fields.MarshallMethodField = fields.MarshallMethodField(field_type=Dict[str, Any])

    def get_display_name(self, instance: edgy.Model) -> str:
        return instance.display_name()

    def get_data(self, instance: edgy.Model) -> Dict[str, Any]:
        extra = UserExtra(address="123 street", post_code="90210")
        return extra.model_dump()


Since the Marshall is also a Pydantic base model, the same as Edgy, there may be some times where you would like to persist the data directly using the marshall instead of using complicated processes to make it happen.

This is also possible as Edgy made it simple for you. In the same way an Edgy model has the save() so does the marshall. In reality, what Edgy is doing is performing that same Edgy save() operation for you.

How does it work? In the same way it would work for a normal Edgy model.


Let us assume the following example.

from typing import Any, Dict

from pydantic import BaseModel
from tests.settings import DATABASE_URL

import edgy
from import Marshall, fields
from import ConfigMarshall
from edgy.testclient import DatabaseTestClient as Database

database = Database(url=DATABASE_URL)
registry = edgy.Registry(database=database)

class User(edgy.Model):
    name: str = edgy.CharField(max_length=100, null=False)
    email: str = edgy.EmailField(max_length=100, null=False)
    language: str = edgy.CharField(max_length=200, null=True)
    description: str = edgy.TextField(max_length=5000, null=True)

    class Meta:
        registry = registry

    def display_name(self) -> str:
        return f"Diplay name: {}"

class UserExtra(BaseModel):
    address: str
    post_code: str

class UserMarshall(Marshall):
    marshall_config: ConfigMarshall = ConfigMarshall(
    display_name: fields.MarshallMethodField = fields.MarshallMethodField(field_type=str)
    data: fields.MarshallMethodField = fields.MarshallMethodField(field_type=Dict[str, Any])

    def get_display_name(self, instance: edgy.Model) -> str:
        return instance.display_name()

    def get_data(self, instance: edgy.Model) -> Dict[str, Any]:
        extra = UserExtra(address="123 street", post_code="90210")
        return extra.model_dump()

Now, to create and save an instance of the model User, we simply need to:

data = {
    "name": "Edgy",
    "email": "",
    "language": "EN",
    "description": "Nice marshall"
marshall = UserMarshall(**data)

The marshall is smart enough to understand what fields belong to the model and what fields are custom and specific to the marshall and persists it.

Extra considerations

Creating a marshall its easy and very intuitive but there are some considerations you must have.

Model fields with null=False

When declaring the ConfigMarshall fields, you **must select at least the mandatory fields necessary, null=False, or a MarshallFieldDefinitionError will be raised.

This is used to prevent any unnecessary errors from happening when the creation of the model occurs.

Model validators

This remains exactly was it was before, meaning, if you want to validate the fields of the model when creating an instance (persisted or not), that can and should be done using the normal Pydantic @model_validator and @field_validator.