Annotating queries¶
Annotating queries is a bit difficult in edgy because we use a hash function with a prefix (select_related) path to generate stable names for joins. But given you mostly use just a subquery you won't run often in this case.
Annotating a child with the parent columns¶
We have embed target for drilling down to a child element but sometimes lack parameters of the parent.
Here comes the function reference_select
to help. This works analogue to django's F()
function but is more generic.
import sqlalchemy
import edgy
models = edgy.Registry(database=...)
class User(edgy.Model):
name = edgy.CharField(max_length=100)
class Meta:
registry = models
class Profile(edgy.Model):
user = edgy.fields.OneToOne(User, related_name="profile")
name = edgy.CharField(max_length=100)
class Meta:
registry = models
for profile in await Profile.query.select_related("profile").reference_select(
{"user": {"profile_name": "name"}}
assert profile.user.profile_name ==
# up to one level you can leave out the select_related()
# you can also reference columns in case you use them of the main table or explicitly provided via extra_select
for profile in await Profile.query.reference_select(
{"user": {"profile_name":}}
assert profile.user.profile_name ==
import sqlalchemy
import edgy
models = edgy.Registry(database=...)
class User(edgy.StrictModel):
name = edgy.CharField(max_length=100)
profile_name = edgy.fields.PlaceholderField(null=True)
class Meta:
registry = models
class Profile(edgy.Model):
user = edgy.fields.OneToOne(User, related_name="profile")
name = edgy.CharField(max_length=100)
class Meta:
registry = models
for profile in await Profile.query.select_related("profile").reference_select(
{"user": {"profile_name": "name"}}
assert profile.user.profile_name ==
# up to one level you can leave out the select_related()
for profile in await Profile.query.reference_select({"user": {"profile_name": "name"}}):
assert profile.user.profile_name ==
In case you use the StrictModel
every name where the query result is attached must be a field.
You can use PlaceHolderField(null=True) for reserving an attribute name for assignment.
Annotating and embed_parent¶
is executed before embedding. This can be helpful to add some parent attributes to the grand child.
import sqlalchemy
import edgy
models = edgy.Registry(database=...)
class User(edgy.Model):
name = edgy.CharField(max_length=100)
class Meta:
registry = models
class Profile(edgy.Model):
user = edgy.fields.OneToOne(User, related_name="profile")
name = edgy.CharField(max_length=100)
profile = edgy.fields.OneToOne(
"SuperProfile", related_name="profile", embed_parent=("user", "normal_profile")
class Meta:
registry = models
class SuperProfile(edgy.Model):
name = edgy.CharField(max_length=100)
class Meta:
registry = models
for profile in await SuperProfile.query.all():
user = (
await profile.profile.select_related("user")
.reference_select({"user": {"profile_name": "name"}})
assert isinstance(user, User)
assert == user.profile_name
Annotating child attributes to the parent¶
point of view is always the main query. This means you can set child attributes via
reference_select({"user": {"user_name", "user__name"}})
to the child itself.
Or you can do all manually by using the helper function hash_tablekey
(not recommended).
import sqlalchemy
import edgy
from edgy.core.utils.db import hash_tablekey
models = edgy.Registry(database=...)
class User(edgy.Model):
name = edgy.CharField(max_length=100)
class Meta:
registry = models
class Profile(edgy.Model):
user = edgy.fields.OneToOne(User, related_name="profile")
name = edgy.CharField(max_length=100)
class Meta:
registry = models
for profile in await Profile.query.select_related("user").reference_select(
{"user_name": sqlalchemy.text(f"user__name")}
assert profile.user_name ==
# manual way
join_table_key = hash_tablekey(tablekey=User.table.key, prefix="user")
for profile in await Profile.query.select_related("user").reference_select(
{"user_name": sqlalchemy.text(f"{join_table_key}_name")}
assert profile.user_name ==
Annotating and subqueries¶
Until now we referenced only child parent structures but we can also reference arbitary select statements.
How to insert some? Using extra_select
You can add as many as you want and label them as you want but are responsible for collisions.
import sqlalchemy
from sqlalchemy import func
import edgy
models = edgy.Registry(database=...)
class User(edgy.Model):
name = edgy.CharField(max_length=100)
class Meta:
registry = models
class Profile(edgy.Model):
user = edgy.fields.OneToOne(User, related_name="profile")
name = edgy.CharField(max_length=100)
class Meta:
registry = models
for profile in await Profile.query.extra_select(
.select_from((await User.query.as_select()).subquery())
).reference_select({"total_number": "total_number"}):
assert profile.total_number == 10
# or manually
for profile in await Profile.query.extra_select("total_number")).subquery()
).reference_select({"total_number": "total_number"}):
assert profile.total_number >= 0
The cool thing is you are not limited to subqueries. CTEs can be referenced too, you just need to know the name or to provide the column.